Boksen indeholdt:

Evocation af S. T. Gibson

Redesignet Dustjacket af @lichen_and_limestone
Digital Printed Edges af @lichen_and_limestone
Sølv Foil på Dustjacket af @lichen_and_limestone
Digital Signature af S. T. Gibson

Collector’s Bookmark designet af @cassberrie.
Side 72: He followed her gaze to the papers littering the ground, finally landing on one of the few phrases in English, repeating over and over again in that heavy, dark hand. The Devil knows your name, David Aristarkhov.

Little Goddess Lip Balm fremstillet af @wild.folk.apothecary
Side 102: Her hair was pulled out of her face into simple, no-nonsense twists, and cherry lipstick was slashed across her mouth like a stoplight.

Wax Burner designet af Book in a Box & Wax Snapbar lavet af @goodlifebyrileys 
Side 275: He felt like his insides were liquified, being boiled alive by the sheer heat of all the power in the room. Severing a demon deal without paying the price was an insanely stupid ritual to attempt, but David had never been one for caution and good sense.