Floral Picnic Blanket
Ready to take your picnic to a whole new level? We’ve got something truly special for you – a Floral Picnic Blanket inspired by the magical fae world in Servant of Earth. 🌸
The picnic blanket was designed by @wanderingmoda and featured in the November 2024 “If the Trials Allow” box.
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Ready to take your picnic to a whole new level? We’ve got something truly special for you – a Floral Picnic Blanket inspired by the magical fae world in Servant of Earth. 🌸
Perfect for relaxing outdoors, having a stylish picnic, or just bringing a touch of fae magic into your home. With its soft and durable quality, the blanket is ideal for outdoor picnics, as the material keeps moisture from the grass from seeping through. Make your next picnic extra special with this blanket, which is not only practical but also filled with magical symbolism. It's time to create your own enchanting moment! ✨
Behind the scenes sneak peek: Don’t be fooled by the beautiful flowers – they may look innocent, but each flower on the blanket is a toxic species, symbolizing the dangerous trials the main character must overcome.
The picnic blanket was designed by @wanderingmoda and featured in the November 2024 "If the Trials Allow" box.